Beginner Spanish for Kids includes fun printables, activities, vocabulary and flashcards. Colors, Numbers, Months, Days of the Week and first words Vocabulary. Worksheets and printables revolving around learning Spanish with Jasper the Cat … one of our original ZiggityZoom characters.
Spanish made fun for pre-K, Kindergarten, First and Second grade. $5.
Packet includes:
Beginner Spanish vocabulary words
Flashcards for Colors
Days of the Week
Months of the Year
Games to Play
Jasper the Cat story in English and Spanish
Story worksheet pages about Jasper the Cat
Jasper the Cat printable for Bulletin board / game
Stickers compatible with Spanish words (printable on sticker paper)
Classroom game
Printable Reward coupons
Bunbun the Middle One – our own published early reading book in full color here … in both Spanish and English.
Fun stuff !
This is a great packet for ESL, ELD, EFL and Homeschooling for learning Spanish as a second language.
For free educational fun be sure to visit our site
Thanks … Sharon and Kristin
44 pages $5.