Month: February 2018

10 Ways to Create a Cozy Outdoor Kids Space

Do you remember being a kid and running around outside until dark?  Or making a hide out in your neighbor’s yard?  Kids need to spend time outside in nature.  They need to spend time running around in the fresh air- maybe time pretending or playing games.  And one way to encourage kids to get outside […] Read more…

Homemade Chalk Recipe for Kids

10 Best Homemade Craft Recipes

Sometimes we all need a bit of fun. Kids especially are looking for fun things and to keep them busy sometimes we have to conjure up the fun ourselves. To help in this endeavor, we have gathered a bunch of Craft Recipes that you can make at a moment’s notice. Fun that you can create […] Read more…

Painting canvas sneakers with markers

Fun and Fabulous DIY Shoes

Shoes, who said shoes?  If you needed an excuse to get another pair of shoes, well here it is.  Kristin picked up a plain white pair of canvas shoes and a few fabric markers and look how cute our design turned out.  We went with sort of a tribal theme using only two colors.  But […] Read more…

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