bucket ball game

Old Fashioned Backyard Fun

Whenever my grandkids come to visit, they are barely out of the car when they start asking “what are we going to make?  what are we going to do?”  They all know that the plan will always revolve around what I call old fashioned fun.  We make things from recyclables when we can and we […] Read more…

teaching kids creativity

The Importance of Teaching Kids Creativity

Creativity has always played an important part in my own life. I can remember drawing and writing little stories from about the age of nine. Now my own grandchildren are doing the same. This is such a great part of a well-rounded development and it actually helps develop a part of the brain when kids […] Read more…

The Art of Reading and Writing

There is something about holding a pencil in your hand and the smell of a freshly sharpened lead point as you touch pencil to paper and the scribbling hits your ear. One letter in front of the other to form a word and then a paragraph.  Its sort of like holding a genuine book as […] Read more…

Make a Backyard TeePee

Need an extra special fabulous activity to do with your kids on a weekend?  One that will teach them a skill, give them confidence and hours of fun after its built?  Then make a backyard teepee.  This is one of my grandsons all-time favorite projects that we made a few summers ago. A basic  teepee […] Read more…

Idea #30- Create a Dream Binder

We truly believe you are never too young or too old to dream a new dream or set a new goal.  We think both your kids and you should share your big goals and dreams with your family.  Encourage each other to go after those dreams.  Where better to share your dreams than with the […] Read more…

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