DIY puppet theatreMake a Puppet Theatre

Imagination is a wonderful thing and what better way for kids to use their imaginations than putting on puppet shows.  We love to create new puppets using socks without mates and adding a bit of fabric scraps and bits of things from our craft basket.  The kids always amaze us with their creativity and ingenuity.

This is a really simple-to-make Puppet Theatre. Make it from a large cardboard box or an inexpensive Foam display board from an office supply store. It’s foldable and guaranteed to provide hours of fun for the kids.

Make a bunch of little actors into performing sock puppets utilizing different colored socks to be the stars of the show. Just add ears, eyes, glitter and more for individualizing puppets.

DIY sock puppets

Items needed:

  • Large box or Foam Display board (foldable)
  • Wood dowel or old broom handle (32″ long)
  • X-acto knife (only to be used by Adult)
  • Pencil and Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Craft Foam
  • 2 pillowcase for curtains  (optional – use only one)
  • Craft glue (tacky white)

Puppet Theatre for kids


  1. We used a foam display board, available at office supply stores for about $10-$12  It measured 36″ tall and 24″ wide in the front (sides are 12″ wide).  You may also cut apart a large box that is roughly this same size, so that you will have a front and two sides that will fold.
  2. Draw an opening that is (23 inches from the bottom) 9 inches high and 18 inches wide.  This opening can either be squared off at the top or arched like ours.   With a piece of board underneath the area to be cut out,  carefully cut the opening with an X-acto knife.   Children should be a distance away while this is being done.
  3. You will also have to cut a small hole (about the size of a cork) on each side piece, about an inch from the top.  This is to slide the dowel through to hold the curtain.   The hole should be about 5 inches back from the front edge.
  4. Using the craft foam,  cut out  pieces to decorate the theatre and attach with glue.
  5. For curtains,  cut a two inch, skinny slit (at the closed end) on each side of the pillowcases.  This will allow you to slide the pillowcases onto the dowel and then position the dowel into the side openings.  If you prefer to only use one pillow case, you can cut the side and top of the case and then fold fabric out flat to make a larger piece of fabric.  About an inch from the top, and about 4-5 inches apart, make holes just big enough so that the dowel will slide through.  Cut a few slits to accommodate arms of puppeteer.

DIY puppet theatre


