Patriotic Fun & Food
Let's kick of our independence day with some fun red, white and blue arts, crafts and foods.
DIY Star Garland
Patriotic Star Garland to Make for Your Backyard This star garland is so easy to make and it is a visual treat for any backyard event. Even if you aren’t having a party it will give your outside space a new energy and a nice touch of patriotism. It can be strung between trees, porch […] Read more…
Printable Patriotic Cupcake Wrappers
Printable Patriotic Cupcake Wrappers Who doesn’t love cupcakes? Both big and little kids … including adults in the big kid category, love cupcakes. Cupcakes will always have a special place in our hearts. They are a perfect party food and for any special occasion. And truly, they can be made to look really festive with […] Read more…
Easy Patriotic Star Cupcakes for the 4th of July
I love the 4th of July! Yes, we celebrate our Independence on that day, but more than being a national holiday it is a day that family and friends celebrate getting together. Since the holiday is in July, it’s the perfect time for cookouts and outdoor gatherings. I love the food and themes that go […] Read more…