
party sandwiches

Puppy Party Sandwich

Whenever one of the kid’s birthdays comes around, we are always mulling around party theme ideas.  But, truthfully, you don’t need a unified theme if you pull a few cute ideas together.  I know, I know … lots of kids want a particular character or theme.  That’s sort of the way it goes these days.  […] Read more…

DIY Robot project

DIY Recycled Robot

  This cute Robot is made from all recycled materials. Kids love to make these and they look great as a fun room decoration.  What a fun project for a robot theme party.  Just gather a bunch of found objects and boxes and let the kids make their own.  If you provide small boxes like […] Read more…

Washi Tape Christmas Crafts

Washi Tape Christmas Decorating Ideas for Your Home

Washi Tape Craft Ideas Washi Tape is one of my favorite craft materials to use for any season of the year.  If you can think it you can make it so much more fun using Washi tape for you projects. It can be found at any craft store and the colors and patterns are endless. […] Read more…

DIY glitter ornaments

Easy DIY Ornaments

DIY Glitter Ornaments Time is always of the essence for me, whether I am cooking or making a craft project.  Ask anyone!  So, I’m really happy to share this fun, pretty and super easy ornament project.  The colors we chose are some of the new trendy colors for 2017, so if you make the ornaments […] Read more…

diy foam bow and arrow

Fun and Games With Pool Noodles

Now that the weather is cooperating for outside play, it’s time we start thinking about some family fun and games.  The best fun, of course, is spur of the moment fun and since we have a very large extended family, we are always up for fun!  So any outdoor game or activity that is free, […] Read more…

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