kids art project snowflake quillingWe love creative art and craft projects. Sometimes allowing your kids (or yourself) to have unplanned or organized craft or art time is important for creativity, but other times it’s helpful to give kids a prompt or plan a project with them.  Projects help kids follow directions, learn about different art styles and techniques and show them how to be expressive even with project expectations.

Quilling is an art form that involves rolling, and gluing strips of paper together to create decorative designs. If you use bread ties instead, the curl stays and is easier to glue too.

1. Students made popsicle boards by gluing 11 sticks across two back sticks, and letting them dry while the curls were made.
2. White bread ties can be bought at Smart and Final stores for about $5. Students wrapped their ties around pencils to get a roll started, and then removed and finished them with their fingers. They needed to make one large roll for the center, and then three for each of the six arms (19 total).
3. White glue was used to glue the curls down on the popsicle boards. Magnet strips may be added to the back to make a very crafty and creative refrigerator magnet.


By Kathy Barbro, art teacher … Art Projects for Kids

If you are looking for additional art projects for kids, be sure to check out Kathy’s website which is overflowing with wonderful art projects for children.
