crab sandwich

Mealtimes present such a great opportunity for family sharing and bonding. We love to conjure up fun ways to make our meals a little bit special, whether it is just adding a fun new food to try or a silly way of presenting the food.  We all need more smiles in our lives and you can make that happen.

Who wouldn’t love to be served a lunch that looks like this?  A crab or a sailboat … such an unexpected surprise.  We believe moms can bring a little fun into every day and sometimes we do it through food.   Use fruit, vegetables and sandwich fixings to make these adorable sandwiches.

Crab Sandwich
What a funtastic sandwich to make for summer, especially if you live in a beachy area. No matter where you live, this fun sandwich will help to impart that “beachy” feel.
For the Crab:
· 2 slices white bread
· Cucumber slices
· Olive slices
· Chives
· Orange pepper, large
· Cherry tomato
· Sandwich fillingTo make the crab body, cut through both pieces of bread simultaneously, on a diagonal. A great sandwich filling for this particular sandwich would be a light crab salad … mixing some crabmeat, mayo and chopped celery. Use two cucumber slices, with olive slices on top, for the eyes. Cut two small back legs for each side of the crab, making sure they face right and left. For each front leg, first cut a large slice of the orange pepper. Then, carefully, cut out the leg forming the claw as one piece for each front leg. Notice that you will be making a right angle cut to make the bend in the leg. Once again, make sure to cut a right and left leg. Arrange tomato between legs on the plate and position chive pieces to look like sea grass. Add a piece of chives for the mouth.
Sailboat Sandwich
This is such a fun summertime sandwich. Make all the pieces and give the kids their Sailboat sandwich to assemble. Fun to play with, fun to eat!
For the Sailboat:
· 2 slices white bread
· 1 slice brown bread
· Carrot stick
· Cucumber
· Red pepper
· Yellow pepper
· Zucchini /apple / cheese (for seagull)
· Sandwich filling
Trim all crusts from bread and then, from the white bread, cut a large triangle and a small triangle for the sails. Curve edges of the large sail, as shown. Cut brown bread in half and fold over. Make a long rectangle for the body of the boat, rounding one end. Fill all sandwich sections with desired filling. Arrange on the plate, using a carrot stick as the mast.
From yellow pepper, cut a stabilizer and from red pepper, cut a small rudder. Make V-shaped seagull from zucchini, apple or cheese. Cut a slice of cucumber with peel in tact and make curved waves for placing beneath the sailboat.

[bpiq style = “balloon” width=”50%” position=”center” color=white” textcolor=”purple” image=”” alt=”Heartfelt little touches for your family have a big impact” sourcename=”” source=”” author=””]

Sometimes it’s the little things that make someone smile.[/bpiq]

