DIY Mini Tree OrnamentsThese little tree ornaments are perfect to give as gifts or to make for your own Christmas tree.  And they are simple enough to make that the kids can help or make their own.

Make Mini Tree Ornaments

You can create these mini ornaments from white air-dry clay, salt dough clay or white sculpey clay that you bake in the oven.  Ours were made using the air-dry clay that is found at most craft stores.  It’s the Crayola brand and it worked beautifully.  This happened to be what we had on hand, which is often the quick and easy way!  We used black sharpie markers but you could use red for a more festive ornament.

What You Need:

  • White Clay
  • Permanent Markers
  • Rolling pin
  • Parchment paper/ saran wrap
  • Sharp knife/ plastic tool
  • Tiny eye hooks/ thin wire

What to Do:

  1. Knead the clay so it is smooth and workable.
  2. Set a ball of clay on parchment paper and flatten a bit with your hand.
  3. Cover clay with saran wrap and then roll it flat with the rolling pin.  It should be thinner than 1/8″ thick.
  4. Using the knife or a thin, plastic clay tool, carefully cut out small tree shapes. We made ours between 2 and 2.5 inches high.
  5. Carefully insert a tiny eye hook into the tops of each ornament.  Alternatively, cut 1 inch lengths of thin wire and bend over to make hooks. End should meet so that you are basically inserting a single wire (two ends close together).
  6. Depending on the type of clay you chose, either bake the sculpey ornaments or let the air-dry clay or salt clay dry thorughly before decorating.
  7. Once your ornaments are completely dry, draw designs with the permanent markers.

These turn out so cute that they really do make cute teacher gifts or spur of the minute gifts to give.