holiday salad recipe

One of my favorite little salads to serve during the holidays is our Partridge in a Pear Tree salad.  We came up with this fun salad as while back but it is so adorable to see on a plate and kids love it. It’s especially super fun to serve during the 12 Days of Christmas.  For extra family fun, set out the ingredients and let everyone make their own salad.


  • Green Pear
  • Celery sticks
  • Red Apple
  • Carrot slice
  • Coconut (optional)
  • JuJubee Candies


  1. Cut a slice of pear from one side of the pear and then trim off lengthwise edges to form a tree trunk.
  2. Leave peel on.
  3. From a slice of the apple, with peel, cut a pot for the tree.
  4. Celery stick should be cut into thin strips, making an angled end cut so tree “branches” fit flush with the trunk.
  5. Use a carrot slice to make a small bird that will top the tree.
  6. Assemble each tree on a plate, using either carrot “ornaments” or little colored JuJubee candies.
  7. If using coconut, sprinkle along the bottom edge of the plate for “snow”.