party sandwiches

Whenever one of the kid’s birthdays comes around, we are always mulling around party theme ideas.  But, truthfully, you don’t need a unified theme if you pull a few cute ideas together.  I know, I know … lots of kids want a particular character or theme.  That’s sort of the way it goes these days.  But you really can plan a more generic party with an overarching theme … for example,  just planning around animals, in general.

We used this puppy sandwich as a starting idea and then did a “cats & dogs” party. We love making fun party sandwiches for party food but it’s also fun to serve something like our Puppy party sandwich as a special treat just for lunch.


  • 2 slices white or wheat  bread
  • 2 thin Pickle slices
  • Red and Orange Pepper pieces
  • Chives
  • Olive slices
  • Cucumber slice
  • Sandwich filling of choice


  1. Cut bread slices into a large circle.  Fill with desired meat, cheese or even PB & Jelly.
  2. Set on plate and then place pickle slices slightly beneath the sandwich to make ears.  We usually dab the pickles and any veggies used with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture.
  3. Cut a nose from the orange pepper and a collar from the red pepper.
  4. Place Cucumber slice under one eye, using olive slices for eyes and a small piece of chive for the mouth.
  5. What a cute puppy !

Sharon Pierce McCullough
