diy zebra pillowcase costume

Zebra costume to make from a pillowcase. No-sew costume. How to make a Zebra costume. We know parents are busy, so what better type of costume for Halloween or dress-up than one you can make with basic materials, for a few dollars and in less than 15-30 minutes and it’s basically no-sew.

NEW! Make a fun Zebra costume for Halloween or just for dressup playtime. Quick and easy to make from a pillowcase. Kids costume.

Items needed:

  • White pillowcase / Zebra print pillowcase
  • Black half-face mask
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue
  • Black permanent marker
  • Stapler


  1. Iron pillowcase to remove creases and wrinkles first.
  2. Fold pillowcase in half, lengthwise, and then cut a small opening, on folded side, for the neck .  Unfold and then cut a slit down the back, only, about 5 inches long from the neck opening.
  3. Across from the neck opening, at each side seam, cut away a 1/4 inch slice for the arm holes.
  4. Dab a bit of white glue onto the cut edges to prevent fraying, if desired.
  5. Cut off bottom border from pillowcase.
  6. If you are using a white pillowcase, print the pattern for the zebra stripes (click here or clicking image above to open the pdf and print it), then make irregular stripes, using the marker, similar to those shown.  Make stripes all over the pillowcase.  (Place a piece of cardboard inside the pillowcase so marker doesn’t go through both layers of fabric.)
  7. Trace ear pattern onto cardboard and then cut out both ears.    Using a piece of the pillowcase border, insert one of the ears between layers of fabric.  (Dab glue on both sides of cardboard before inserting.)  Press fabric and set aside to dry.  Do the same with the second ear.
  8. Cut around the ear shapes removing all excess fabric.  If you are using the white pillowcase, use marker to add stripes to ears.
  9. Staple ears to mask, adding a piece of tape to back of staple.
  10. Dress child in a black shirt to complete the Zebra costume.
