halloween diy

One of the things I like most about Halloween night is giving out the goods to the kids who come Trick or Treating.  So, we dreamed up these cute candy containers from some of our recycled coffee containers.  They double as spooky decorations and hold candy too.  Although we ended up making a black cat, a pumpkin and Frankenstein, you can make any kind of character or spooky monster imaginable.  My fave is actually the black cat.

This is such a fun project that you can alter for most any season.  Can’t you just see cute bunnies for Easter?

Items needed:

  • Recycled container
  • Colored “Duct” tape (or paint)
  • Sticky back foam
  • Scissors
  • Permanent marker
  • Tacky glue
  • Corks for Frankenstein container

Cat candy container


  1. Wash and dry containers.
  2. If using duct tape, cover your entire container and lid with strips of desired color.  If using paints, paint your container and lid and set aside to dry completely before moving to the next step.
  3. Using sticky-back foam, cut out eyes, nose and mouths, as shown.  Also cut out the “stitch ine” for frankenstein’s head.  Just press in place.
  4. For the pumpkin, cut two thin green stems (reverse of each other) and then stick the tops of the stems together.  Spread bottoms of stem and attach to lid.
  5. For the cat, cut six thin whiskers and attach.  Make two triangular ears from foam and remove only the bottom 1/4″ of paper from the bottom of the ears.  Stick in place on the lid.  If you have a perfectly flat lid, use the same procedure as explained for attaching the pumpkin stem.
  6. For the frankenstein, cut small V-shaped strips from foam and attach to lid to look like spiky hair.  Either paint the corks or attach a thin strip of sticky-back foam (you may need to secure with a small piece of tape at the seam).  Attach to sides of head, a little staggered, with tacky glue.  Set a glass flush with the ends of the corks to hold in place until the glue adheres.
  7. Use a black permanent marker to fill in eyes as shown.
  8. Fill with Halloween candy, cookies or other holiday yummies.

For additional Halloween family crafts, check out our ZiggityZoom.com activities sections.