Make Time for Your Kids


If we are not careful work,  commitments, volunteering, and obligations will fill our schedules and leave no time for us to spend quality time with our kids or to have fun with them.   Make room in your day and week for your kids and loved ones.  If you need to put it on your schedule- do it.  The laundry can wait.  Dinner doesn’t have to be gourmet.   You can vacuum the floors later.  The weeds will still be there tomorrow. Put down your to-do list, and stop writing a honey-do list, dust off your childhood memories and go make new memories with your kids.  And while you’re at it go have fun and let your worries and busyness melt away just for a little while and go do something adventurous or you loved doing as a child.

Get in the pool.  Run down the hill.  Fly a kite.  Sit on the ground and have a picnic.   Build a sand castle.   Ride your bike as fast as you.  Go camping with your kids.  Take a Hike.  Color. Lay in the grass and look at the sky.  Make a snow angel.  Go canoeing.  Play a Game.  Make a Pillow Fort.  Go Fishing.  Roast s’mores and tell stories by a campfire.  Throw a frisbee.  Do a Project.  Make Something with Your Hands.  Help someone out.  Go to the Beach.  Paint.  Go on a date.  Look at old photos and home movies. Go visit the farmers market.

Don’t let adulting get in the way of spending quality time with your kids having fun.

By Kristin P. Fitch


