Playing with Sticks and Stones

art and crafts with stones- painting stones for kids

Finding art materials in nature is rather exciting.  Here at ZiggityZoom, there is nothing we love more than to create a piece of art from a found rock, stick, shell or pine cone.  It truly is amazing to turn something rather mundane into a wonderful or amusing piece of artwork.  Kids love this process so it is always good to start from the beginning … the search.

For the projects we are highlighting here, we started with a drive to a local creek.  The kids spent about an hour searching for their own special rocks.  I’m not ashamed to say that by the end of the hour, I had three times as many as anyone.  Yes, I still love rocks!  But we all had a great time rock collecting.

Painting Rocks

Another fun idea is to just paint pretty designs on the rocks using bright acrylic paints.  You can even do a name rock collection … using a different letter on separate rocks.  A rock name would be fun for giving or displaying on a desk or shelf.

For educational purposes, why not make the whole alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes?  Little ones can then play games and reinforce these early concepts while playing.

Rock Animals

The girls chose to make an elephant rock pet, a lion rock pet and a turtle rock pet but you could make virtually any little animal pet using just a rock and some sticky-back foam.  We used two pieces of foam and then cut away just a section that would stick to the rock.  The rock, of course, just needs to be painted first and let to dry.

Playing With Rocks

painted rocks

Rock Craft Projects for Kids

Finding art materials in nature is rather exciting.  Here at ZiggityZoom, there is nothing we love more than to create a piece of art from a found rock, stick, shell or pine cone.  It truly is amazing to turn something rather mundane into a wonderful or amusing piece of artwork.  Kids love this process so it is always good to start from the beginning … the search.

For the projects we are highlighting here, we started with a drive to a local creek.  The kids spent about an hour searching for their own special rocks.  I’m not ashamed to say that by the end of the hour, I had three times as many as anyone.  Yes, I still love rocks!  But we all had a great time rock collecting.

Story Stones

Face Stones

Stick Projects

Stick TeePee Project

DIY stick teepee

Sticks and stones fascinate me and the kids.  Anytime we can find a new way to use our treasured sticks and stones we are happy.  This project is pretty simple and the teepee is a great little addition to any little, or big,  boys bedroom.

What You Need:

  • Thin twigs
  • Wire
  • Wire cutters
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Leather/ fabric

Stick teepee craft

What to do:

  1.  Cut five twig pieces to about 8 inches long.  If you want a larger teepee, just adjust length of twigs.
  2.  Cut five smaller twig pieces, approximately 3 inches long.  Once again, this can be adjusted if you are making a taller teepee or one that has a broader base.
  3. To start teepee,  stand the long twig pieces on your work area so all pieces are touching the table/work area.  Cross tops of twigs, keeping bottoms about the same distance apart.
  4.  Wrap wire around the area where the twigs cross each other.  Add wires, in and out, and around this section to hold securely while working on the other sections.  Use cutters and pliers as needed.
  5. Cut five pieces of wire to about 4 inches long, then start adding base twig pieces with sections of wire, wrapping tightly.  See photo to get an idea of twig positioning.
  6. Once all pieces are secured,  wrap your piece of leather loosely around your teepee structure.  This will give you an idea of how to cut your piece of leather.  Mark the bottom in a few sections … this will end up being rounded.  Overlap the front by a few inches and cut a little larger than needed so you can make adjustments.
  7.  The front will be securely attached by making tiny holes through which you will slide two wooden toothpicks or very tiny twigs.

camp craft project

teepee craft project


















