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Halloween Fun
for the Whole Family

Ghouls, and Goblins, Pumpkins and Costumes- Oh my! Find DIY Costumes to make for your kids, fun food, easy crafts and more to make Halloween special for your family.

DIY Skeleton Halloween Costume

easy diy skeleton costume

We love making kids costumes from pillowcases.  This cute little skeleton costume is made from a black pillowcase and some white felt.  It’s a quick and easy costume to make and the best part?  It’s a no-sew costume. If you can use scissors and glue, you can make this little costume in a snap.  And how adorable.

Items needed:

  • black pillowcase
  • 2 rectangles of white felt
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue


  1. Iron pillowcase to remove creases and wrinkles first.
  2. Fold pillowcase in half, lengthwise, and then cut a small opening, on folded side, for the neck .  Unfold and then cut a slit down the back, only, about 5 inches long from the neck opening.
  3. Across from the neck opening, at each side seam, cut away a 1/4 inch slice for the arm holes.
  4. Dab a bit of white glue onto the cut edges to prevent fraying, if desired.
  5. Print “bones patterns” and cut out.
  6. Trace onto felt and then cut out and set in place on the pillowcase to form the skeleton.  Using the craft glue, glue into position and let dry.
  7. Add some white face paint for both hands and face or a skeleton mask from the dollar store. We think it looks cute by itself also. Happy Trick or Treating!

Skeleton costume